Yes, Take It Personally - What The Fool Card in the Tarot Is Telling You

 "The Fool invites you to take risk, step outside of the box, and remove yourself from spaces where you intuitively know you are holding yourself back." - Interpretation of the Fool card by Jessica Wiggan in the book "How To Read Tarot."

So many memes floatig around are pontificating not taking what happens personally. That's hammered, for example, in the popular enlightenment guide "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. The title of Chapter 3 is "Don't Take Anything Personally."

So, if the boss mistreats you you are supposed to see that through the lens of sizing him or her up as a wounded human being. No, don't put energy into analyzing your possible part in the bad treatment.

Tarot takes a different stance. Many of the cards awaken you to exactly that: your part. One message is that you invite shabby treatment because of your own self-hate. So, love yourself. The New York Times published a feature in April 2021 explaining how the Tarot is a tool for self-awareness. 

The Fool card puts the burden of action in your career on you. Not what's the economy is doing or your superior's management style, or how you family didn't encourage your talents. The trick is to develop a habit of opennness. One mantra associated with that is: Clear thinking, don't know.

Your just-right professional fit. Yes, that includes Tarot readings. One-card pull is a specialty. Complimentary consultation for coaching, job-search materials, and interviewing. Please contact or text 203-468-8579. Website:


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