The Tarot Reader - On Therapy's Front Lines in Confusing Times


"Psychics Are the New Psychologists"

That was the headline by NPR. And that was way back in 2008. Currently, with the economy so scary, social mores in flux, and politics getting ugly, even people who never considered reaching out to "talk with a 'professional.'" are reaching out to Tarot readers like myself. 

Most of the career-oriented readings I give involve a therapeutic element. 

Instead of an in-depth analysis of what the Tarot cards are messaging, clients are taking over the session by talking more. And I am listening more. If there is a major issue the tendency had been to pull another card or do another spread. Not currently. I stop. I listen. My responsibility is to pick up the subtext of what clients are saying. 

For example, they may complain about how much work is being piled on. But, often I discern the real matter, as in therapy, goes back to the family of origin. I ask: Did your parents treat you unfairly? Then I do a one-card pull on that. 

In April 2021, The New York Times reinforced the legitimacy of the psychic as a plaform for self-awareness and growth. It singled out Tarot readings, includign DYI, for that. 

Your just-right professional fit. You can bypass the usual pain points. Yes, Tarot readings are available. Both spreads and one-card pulls. Complimentary consultation for coaching, job-search materials, and interviewing. Please contact or text 203-468-8579. Website:


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