The Tarot High Priestess Card - When the "Secret" Is Alcohol Abuse

 In the Tarot, the High Priestess card signals there may be a secret. That secret could be having negative effects in a career - which is my specialty. 

All too frequently what needs to come into the light of human sharing is alcohol abuse. Therefore, Tarot readers have to be prepared to provide immediate guidance. The next drink could, as with celebrity Anne Heche, result in a near-fatal auto crash. Or, suicidal ideation can wind up as the actual attempt or worse. 

Since I have been in a 12-step recovery program for a number of years, I am aware of the right questions to ask in order to motivate the client to take the situation seriously. Here are the 20 questions Alcoholics Anonymous has developed. 

Answers to those may trigger the Ah-Ha Moment in clients. That opens the door to suggesting resources. That means Tarot readers should be aware of sources of immediate help, including detox centers. Abruptly stopping alcohol can trigger a seizure. 

According to the NCDAS, more than 10% of residents of America suffer with alcohol abuse disorder. Each year that causes more that 104,000 deaths.

Your just-right professional fit. You can bypass the usual pain points. Yes, Tarot readings are available. Complimentary consultation for coaching, job-search materials, and interviewing. Please contact or text 203-468-8579. Website:


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