Tarot's Three of Pentacles - Meme of Mark Granovetter's Strength of Weak Ties

 In the Three of Pentacles Tarot card three very different kinds come together for a project. They are a monk, sculptor, and an architect. The card signals achievement. So, the message is: Success comes through tapping into and leveraging what might not be a traditional fit among professionals.

That meme mirrors the findings of the research of sociologist Mark Granovetter. In the early 1970s Granovetter documented that the power in networking more often comes from those outside our own sphere of influence than from cultivating the usual suspects. That concept has gone down in history as the "Strength of weak ties."

For example, Peter the train conductor on the Connecticut Metro North commuter train probably knows a lot more about what goes on in hiring and firings in the advertising sector than most of those actually employed in it. On the train, he overhears conversations, catches what's being keyed in on laptops, observes who no longer is aboard/who has come aboard, and is actually confided in. If you're a "Mad Man" and are searching for a job it could pay to develop a friendship with Peter. He can not only loop you in with where the hiring is but detail you in on the nuances of the agency's culture.

That's a hypothetical. The classic real-life example has been Bill Clinton, whose signature is The Networking President. From boyhood he would "register" in his memory bank everyone he had met. They were a God's Plenty. Then he would retrive that name when he needed access. 

Unfortunately, COVID pushed people inside themselves. It will take a lot of nudging for them to exit the safe confines of the self and jaw-jaw with everybody in-person. They will have to also look up from screens to connect.

Your just-right professional fit. You can bypass the usual pain points. That includes Tarot readings, both spreads and one-card pulls. Complimentary consultation for coaching, job-search materials, and interviewing. Please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text 203-468-8579. Website: https://janegenovaintuitivecareercoaching.blogspot.com/ 


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