Our Brains Are Locked in Preprogrammed Black Box - Why It's So Hard to Change

 "The brain, trapped in a black box, slowly, effortfully constructs a model of reality that over time gets better at predicting and explaining the regularities in its environment ..." - In 2022 book HOW MINDS CHANGE," by David McGraney.

It's that programming which makes it so difficult to change when we need to. The majority of professionals come to me for a Tarot reading because they are caught up in some kind of disruption in their work. They recognize that they need a fresh game-plan for holding on to what they got or finding a new job if they have been laid off.

It is sad to say but if the trauma has been intense it will be easier to shake off the earlier conditioning.

McGraney also observes:

"Posttraumatic growth is the rapid mind change that comes to a person after a sudden, far-reaching challenge to the accuracy of their assumptive world."

One version of that has been the double whammy. There is the law associate who put total trust in extreme hard work. He did that to the point that he ignored his wife. When the ax fell he was shaken to the core that all that sacrfice didn't guarantee job security + the reality that his neglected spouse wasn't there for him during that crisis. 

As so many have after adversity, he broke open. 

That process can also occur by envisioning what could unravel if changes aren't made. That kind of thinking can shock the brain.

Your just-right professional fit. You can bypass the usual pain points. That includes Tarot readings, both spreads and one-card pulls. Complimentary consultation for coaching, job-search materials, and interviewing. Please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text 203-468-8579. Website: https://janegenovaintuitivecareercoaching.blogspot.com/


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