Epidemic of Regret Over the Past - Five of Cups Coming Up Often in Tarot Readings

 Distraught professionals are coming for Tarot readings. Their "presenting" problem may be angst over going for a promotion or the possibility of a Reduction-in-Force. But soon enough what emerges is the subtext: They are experiencing extreme regret over decisions made in the past.

That is exactly why the Five of Cups is being pulled so frequently in Tarot sessions. In that card there is the professional with the body language of despair. The preoccupation is with the three cups associated with the past. Label those "spilled milk." There is no connection with the two cups symbolizing present possibilities. 

This professional has become the new Everyman and Everywoman. If he or she is willing to change (The Tower Card) then that professional will ask me how to find an exit ramp from the past. The first and most important step is to accept two fundaments of inner transformation:

  • There are no re-dos of the past. It was what it was. That includes both what is perceived as negative and what had been great successes. About the latter, there is the adage in business that nothing fails like success. That's because the vivid memory of that past success can generate blindspots in strategic thinking about the present. So many corporations such as IBM has stumbled because of being locked into what had been success formulas at one time. That time had passed.

  • Regret about the past represents a total fantasy about, if X had been done instead of Y, there would be this or that outcome. No one knows that. X wasn't done. The laid-off tech workers who regret not going to medical school have no data how that career path would have played out. Would they have become substance abusers? Could they have navigated the politics? How about all the burnout? And could they have adopted to the new business models in healthcare?
I pass along this image to clients: Spilled milk sours. The stench drives away the people who could be useful in a career. 

Your just-right professional fit. You can bypass the usual pain points. That includes Tarot readings, both spreads and one-card pulls. Complimentary consultation for coaching, job-search materials, and interviewing. Please contact janegenova374@gmail.com or text 203-468-8579. Website: https://janegenovaintuitivecareercoaching.blogspot.com/


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