
The Election - What's in the Cards

  Not yet. No bigwig has contacted me about how the election will go. But they still could. After all, the stakes are high. For example, so much money has been invested in the messaging. Law firm Paul Weiss chair Brad Karp predicted this would be the most expensive political fight ever. What I tell Everyman and Everywoman who contact me for a prediction of outcomes is this: I explain a projection isn't possible to deliver. There is no "destiny" in the sense of what's set in the universe. There never is. That's the purpose of a tarot reading. You find out there is a possibility you could be fired. So you change your behavior and seek out advocates who could save your job. The only thing I pick up is the energy surrounding a situation at a specific point in time. Then I interpret it. As time passes, what's in the cards could also change - radically. Most recently what I am reading about the election is "no sure thing." The media and the polls are usual

Laid Off - Don't Get Trapped in Feeling

Many of the white-collar sectors are downsizing. They may never return to the earlier demand patterns. Especially hit hard are the erudite niches such as management consulting. Daily on professional anonymous networks - and in my tarot-reading practice - there are soul-wrencing laments about layoffs. In this one on Fishbowl Consulting  there is this wisdom: " ...limit yourself to 24 hours of 'grieving.'” Despite all that our economy has gone through since the bust, post-9/11 downturn, world financial implosion, COVID and the current souring prospects for knowledge workers, those negatively impacted tend to continue to withdraw into feeling. That's a carryover from the 1960s era of romanticism: Let the emotions rip. That's where your truth is. Sure, take of pause to process the shock and the new burden to put together a solution for how to earn a good living. In the tarot that is symbolized by the Four of Swords. But that should be a temporary state of being

Before They Tell You, "You're a Dime a Dozen"

  It's the soul-wrenching confession I hear from my coaching/tarot-reading clients who are 60 years of age or older: " I just want to be able to 'hang in there.'"  Never was that easy. Several years ago  ProPublica  documented that 1) The majority of professionals over-50 years of age will be forced out of their line of work and 2) If they are fortunate enough to land new jobs only 10% will receive comparable compensation. The recent intersection of several developments in the work world has worsened the situation for aging white-collars. To use that cliche, yes, it's been a perfect storm. The colliding factors include: Employers are demanding more time, effort and accomplishments from all employees.  Hovering over that is the assumption that older workers aren't up to those demands.  Stepped-up embrace of automation, especially generative AI.  Proficiency in those technologies is increasingly mandated. Again, there is the assumption that older workers hav

"I Hear the Noise in Your Head" - The Indirect Way to Reach into Your Loved One's Pain

  Pain - the more intense, the more it tends to trigger withdrawal. Those suffering turn inward. They won't talk to you about what's going on internally. Asking direct questions usually will push them further away from you who wants to help.  So, don't probe about the job, the marriage, the financial loss or what is evolving into chronic unemployment. Instead, ease in with the indirect but intimate statement: I can hear the noise in your head. Add: I am a good listener. That's exactly why tarot cards are so effective in shaking loose a confession of what is causing the pain. The symbolism is there, such as in the wounding card. The client takes that in. It's intimate without being intrusive.  A skilled tarot reader opens the door on creating the conversation - and keeping it going. Jane Genova * Tarot Card Reader * Intuitive Coach * Medium. Opening Yourself to Inner Peace, Self-Love and New Success Deep Listening and Compassion. For an appointment, please cont

Glut: Is a Shake-Out Coming to the "Business" of Spirituality?

  Essentially spirituality is the search for meaning. No surprise, in capitalistic America it evolved into big business. And a lucrative one . In 2023, just a segment of that - online psychic readings - generated over $360 million.  But that can be peaking.  Part of it is the glut of service providers and retailers in that space. Increasingly "gimmicks" such as catchy discounting are being introduced. Of course, that cuts into revenues and profits. Some shops will have to shut down. Another part has been the shift in the needs of clients. With the volatile economy and rapidly changing social mores human beings are seeking no-nonsense, very pragmatic guidance.  In my tarot-reading/intuitive coaching I even am veering away from the traditional language leveraged in spirituality. You know, the terminology of mysticism. Instead I have introduced the concepts of business such as "return on investment" (including in romantic relationships), monetizing," "long-t

The Last Bits and Pieces of a Career - Maybe We Never Really Move On

  So many cards in the tarot symbolize transition. Just one of them is the death card. It signals: A big change is coming. And come it usually does. More and more in these volatile times it's coming in the form of a career change.  Right now,  52% are considering a career change and 44% have already set that in play. In professional life, where identities are so rooted in capitalist America, that shift from a long-term career to whatever can be almost too much to process. So we - yes, I am among them - tend to hang on to parts of what had been. We default into conversations about that kind of work. We continue to showcase our expertise. We track what our former competitors are doing. We keep in touch with the old crowd. The New York Times joins myriad other media outlets in confirming how difficult it is to let go. Three years ago, after four decades in communications and doing tarot readings on the side (in the closet), I decided to let the former go and focus full time on the la

Their Childhoods Were Difficult - The Two Very Different Sagas of Judy Garland and Vince McMahon

Wounding is wounding. It hurts deeply. When it takes the form of a very difficult childhood that could become a wild card throughout an entire life.  On Netflix there are two chronicles of those with such a background.  One is the film "Judy" about Judy Garland. A symbol of the early pain of being a child star there are many flashbacks of the tyranny of the studio days. Her family of origin didn't protect her. She got caught in a self-defeating loop of comebacks/resorting to substance and died in her 40s.  In contrast, the Netflix documentary of WWE former head Vince McMahon plays out the mindset of a man who had been able to pack those family of origin issues away. Or at least not allow them to derail him. There are few childhood flashbacks in the documentary. His stepfather abused him and his father had been absent for years. McMahon's meme is: I got out and am out. Driven to succeed, especially through innovative special events for WWE, McMahon applied that same at